What is an Effigy? Well, a correct liturate meaning is a representation or image of someone or something.
Later, it also refers to people disliked, and if you burn it or whatever, you do in public, you do it "in effigy".
The idea it`s only for disliked people is a huge mistake, but it often does take that meaning.
To bonfire Boyes, an Effigy is a representation that is stuffed full of fireworks and blown up as a set piece,
normally to end the nights events.
Since the term has a few meanings, it can be tricky to find out about old effigies. Currently, the oldest known Battle
Effigy was in 1870 and was of a local murderer who made the news. This was a life-size likeness, like a guy, of the person
and it was carried down the street on the procession. At the end of events, it was hung on a gibbet, stuffed full of fireworks
and lit to end off the night. While Todays effigies are much bigger, this is basically the same thing. Some `non-set piece` effigies
were used in them days, as they were just the likeness of a person that was carried down and thrown on the fire, but an Effigy is the
set piece. For a while, Effigies became `tableau`, mostly just a large board with an image on it, alone with fireworks, but that was still
basically the same thing. In the 70s, they became more what we know today, as a 3D large Papier-mâché, wire and wood sculptures. The theme
for these Effigies range from Local topics to world topics, films or some bonfire related topics.

The Denham Murderer - 1870
Designer - Unknown
Street Collection - £?
On 22nd May, 1870, Mr. John Jones, a local blacksmith in the village of Denham was employed
by Mr. Emmanuel Marshall, However, this work was of so poor quality, that Mr Marshall refused to
pay. In revenge, Mr Jones went to Marshall`s home at Cheapside Lane and murdered Seven members of the
Marshall Family, including three children under the age of 10, with a wood-chopper. He was later
convicted and hanged at Aylesbury. It was also reported, that one small boy from the family was
absent as he was being looked after else where ended up being adopted by a local policeman.